Victor Cheng

After Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

When you have a product that works, it solves the customers’ problems, and the customers are happy, congratulations, you’ve just achieved product-market fit. The question is: What’s next? The obvious but slightly simplistic answer is to generate sales. While this is certainly true, how you generate sales makes an enormous difference in whether you’ll be

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SaaS: Demand vs. Lead Generation

Many SaaS companies have a demand generation function within marketing. I think the term “demand generation” is terribly misguided. There is no such thing as generating demand. Demand either exists or does not. If demand exists in the marketplace, it can be channeled to your company via lead generation mechanisms — such as cold calling,

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The “Professional” CEO

I’m sometimes asked what makes a hired “professional” CEO different than a founder CEO. The obvious answer is experience. Some great questions to ask are: “What does experience specifically give a ‘professional’ CEO that is typically lacking from founder CEOs? Can the latter supplement that knowledge gap in some way to remain CEO without the typical downsides

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